رئيس التحرير : مشعل العريفي

بالصور و الفيديو: عائلة سورية تضطر لغسل طفلها حديث الولادة بالخلاء على الحدود اليونانية

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ترجمة صحيفة المرصد: نشرت صحيفة الديلي ميل البريطانية صورا لعائلة سورية مهاجرة على الحدود اليونانية المقدونية بقرية "ايدوميني" حيث اضطرت سيدة أن تغسل صغيرها المواود حديثا بالخلاء و شطفه بزجاجة ماء باردة، و تعد هذه من ضمن 14،000 حالة مأساوية للعديد من المهجرين من أراضيهم و المحتجزين على الحدود حيث يتم منعهم من تكملة رحلتهم الى الشمال. والجدير بالذكر أن عدد من يصل للحدود اليونانية مهجرين 2،000 يوميا، و ينجح جزء صغير جدا منهم في تكملة الرحلة، ونتيجة التكدس للمحتجزين تقع العديد من المشاكل تتسبب في العراك بين المهجرين أهمها الإسعافات الطبية وإمدادات الغذاء. وعلى اثر ذلك سعت الهيئات لنقل بعض المحتجزين الى مخيمات مخصصة لتقليل الازدحام. وطبقا للمنظمة الدولية للهجرة فهناك ما يقارب ال148،866 من النازحين على أوروبا عبر البحر من أفريقيا، و آسيا و الشرق الأوسط بالتحديد منذ 1 يناير، و غرق 5 مهاجرين مؤخراً من بينهم رضيع 3 أشهر بالبحر خلال رحلتهم من تركيا لجزر اليونان بقارب سريع، و تم انقاذ 9 آخرين يعتقد أن من بينهم أفغان و ايرانين. و ما زاد الوضع تعقيدا قيام مقدونيا بغلق أبوابها امام النازحين للحد من التكدس على حدودها.
A mother living in a tent in a refugee camp outside the Greek town of Idomeni on the Macedonian border washed her baby in a puddle 

There are an estimated 14,000 people stranded and living in the tent city after Macedonian authorities closed the frontier with Greece 
Only 400 migrants managed to cross into Macedonia this week before authorities sealed the border preventing the mass exodus 
The migrants are being held on the border between Greece and Macedonia until European leaders can decide on their future 
Over the past week some 70 children have been hospitalised from the camp suffering from fever and diarrhoea 
EU authorities are working on a refugee swap deal with the Ankara government which will see migrants from Europe sent back to Turkey and an equal number who have not risked their lives crossing with people smugglers allowed to travel across the Mediterranean legally 
Balkan countries have been closing their borders to migrants hoping to transit through their territory on their way to Germany and beyond
These migrants are walking the final few miles towards the refugee camp at Idomeni which is rapidly growing in size 
Health officials in Idomeni are fearful that the makeshift tent city could be struck by an epidemic of a communicable disease 
Despite the terrible conditions, children continue to play amid the ashes and the mud of the makeshift camp on the Macedonian border
The migrants in Idomeni face an uncertain future as the so-called Western Balkan route into Europe has been sealed by Macedonia 
Migrants today placed their small children on railway tracks just yards from the Macedonian border calling for the frontier to be re-opened
This woman was photographed today washing her son standing in a carrier bag between some railway tracks in Idomeni, Greece
The tent city, pictured today, only has the most basic washing facilities for the 14,000 migrants who are stuck on the Macedonian border
Since January 1 almost 150,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean into Greece paying large sums to people smugglers 
People living in the squalor of the Idomeni tent city are forced to cook using the most basic facilities such as this oil barrel
People living in the Idomeni camp are forced to scavenge for firewood so they can remain warm and cook for themselves 
Greek authorities want the migrants to move to purpose built camps elsewhere, but the people want to stay near the Macedonian border
Macedonian president Gjorge Ivanov said between Sudan and Egypt there were 20 million people who wanted to move into Europe 

Migrants at the camp have to queue up patiently for tea and food supplies at the tent city on the Greek-Macedonian border 
Migrants have held protests in Idomeni in the hope that Macedonian authorities will reopen the border and allow them to travel north 
An estimated 2,000 refugees are arriving in Greece every day, prompting a major backlog as they are not allowed to continue their journey 
Migrants struggle to keep with clothes clean in the tent city without any access to proper washing or laundry facilities 
Children at the camp try to play with anything they can use such as this cardboard box while they await a decision on their future
Some migrants are considering using Albania as a potential route through to Montenegro, Bosnia and into Croatia 
Greek authorities have already deported 81 people it deemed as economic migrants who arrived from Pakistan and north Africa
The migrants are packed on board desperately overcrowded boats such as this rubbery dingy which arrived overnight in Lesbos 
Rescuers signal to the migrants to show them a safe place to come ashore on the island of Lesbos to steer them away from rocks
After landing on Lesbos, the migrants are quickly moved off the island to the port of Piraeus on the Greek mainland 
Once in Greece, the migrants use any form of transport possible to continue on their journey northwards across Europe 
This man shelters his young baby inside his leather jacket as we waits for a bus in the Pireaus Harbour in Athens earlier today

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